Tag Archives: Movies

Thoughts on No Way Home Trailer

I’m excited for No Way Home mainly for the Spider-Man and Doctor Strange team up and curious to see how the old Spidey films effect the MCU. I hope this helps heal the distance between Spidey film fans arguing over who the best Spider-Man actor is.

I understand the critique that it might seem like a rip off of Into the Spider-Verse film from 2018, but at best that argument reminds me of overusing classic tropes like Batman’s parent’s death or origin films for characters everyone knows. Which in this case has only been done twice so I think that’s okay and won’t take away the quality or potential enjoyment either film. At worst it reminds me of when everyone said Upgrade was already a great Venom movie before the film even came out later that year.

That said the film isn’t out and we don’t know how they’re going to do it until we see the movie. I do know that this trailer was initially leaked by a Sony executive and then an official one revealed later, which leads me to assume the trailer dropped do to fan pressure.

Which was a lot and even lead Kevin Feige to ask, “Is it not enough…?” during an interview with comicbook.com while promoting Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings. A film that comes out next week September 3, 2021, then we have Eternals coming in November.

So how about we chill on all the Spidey talk and enjoy the MCU we’ve got coming and have now? The third episode of What If…? dropped today and I really liked that. I think you will too.